01 Feb 2021
I use Custom Elements a lot. I also like to use .bind(this) in Custom Element event listeners for several reasons. Why this can be a problem if the event listener needs to be removed and how a workaround could look like, i will explain in this post.
20 Oct 2020
Lea Verou has written a great article about the failed promise of web components and how this could possibly be fixed.
14 Oct 2020
There is a new way using the Shadow DOM API for Self-Containing Web Components: the declarative Shadow DOM for Server Side Rendering
02 Apr 2020
Did you ever face the problem to set the width of a <select> Element based on the selected option? Maybe this post will help you out.
21 Mar 2020
Truncating Strings with Ellipsis is a common way to handle longer content. This is an example of how you can deal with multiline truncating.